Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Bringing Sexy Back

Tonight at 10:30pm on TVLand is the premiere of the Make My Day episode Shinn and I are in. I got to check out an advance copy of it yesterday, and it is pretty darn funny! Now, I am not in the episode too much and many of the scenes I am in you only see me from the back, but it is still pretty exciting. What I did notice is that my back looks AWESOME on TV!! I never paid much attention to my back, seeing as how I can't see it and all, but I am very pleased with it now. I may walk around backwards after learning this new information!

Now, you can chime in with Newman's Sexy Back Contest. Just respond to this blog with your pick for the sexiest back. Here are your choices:

a) Brad Pitt

b) David Beckham

c) Newman

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have soon sexy broad shoulders working there!