This weekend, while enjoying a lovely, quiet weekend in Cape May - something lots of YOUNG people do; why do you think they call it the Brooklyn of the Jersey Shore? (And, by "they" I mean "me" and by "call it" I mean "never said it before in my life") I spotted my very first gray hair.
Wow, 27 years old and going gray. I'll be honest I did not see this one coming. Now, I am not sure the exact timetable I am on. When do I go from first gray strand to full blown silver head of hair? Not sure, but I would imagine I have less than a week. There was so much I wanted to accomplish! I never bought that convertible and grew my hair out, I never got out of the ocean and whipped my wet head of hair around in slow motion . . . for the ladies, and I never . . . well, that is it, and in fact, I never really wanted to do those things any way, but now I wonder what I will look like with gray hair?
Will I be in the George Clooney and Andersoon Cooper camp where I make gray look cool? Or, will I land in the Abe Vigoda, Donald Sutherland, Judge Wapner camp, where not only do I go grey, but I also age 40 years?
Only time will tell but I got to be going now, Matlock starts up in five minutes.
I started going gray at 25 and now at 40....most of my roots are completely gray. My hairdresser says I'm not gray all over...just in front on the part where everyone can see it. Phew...what a relief! Yeah right....now I get to go to the hairdresser every 3 to 4 weeks for touch ups which are both fun and inexpensive. And of course that is not true at all!!
My husband used to go to this older VERY Italian barber in Philly where he grew up. When he reached his 20s (he's soon-to-be 34) the barber would go very fast, then slow down to almost stopping and then speed up again. My husband would ask, what are you doing? He would say, I'm picking out the grays... Knock on wood, I'm 28 and haven't seen a gray yet... But hopefully we will start a family soon, then I hear it goes downhill from there as far as the hair is concerned!
i think gray hair looks really hot on some men! and, jaclyn, ur post is funny but im kinda scared at the same time because i just started a family, will i go gray that soon? lol
If you do not gray gracefully, they make semi-permanent color for men. My hubbie went completely gray by age 35. Several years later he started to get it colored and it looks awesome. I am in my thirties, and ppl cannot believe our age difference...now if he were gray that might be another story....
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